Royer plant
Project summary
This private project, carried out on a traditional fixed-price basis for LP Royer, enabled the Construction Longer team to put to good use all the technical expertise and management skills it had acquired over the years. The work, carried out between March and September 2019, consisted of a conventional steel structure with a total living area of ± 60,000 ft², including 50,000 ft² of factory space and 10,000 ft² of office space.
This Leed building was built with advanced electromechanical equipment to promote recovery of the plant’s production heat. The high-performance envelope reduces the building’s energy consumption. Finally, the steel structure was designed and built to reduce the number of columns inside the plant (only 4 for 50,000 sq. ft.), allowing circulation within the plant without too many restrictions.
5M$ to 10M$
166 840 ft2
± 30 Weeks
Challenge #1
During the course of the project, organic soils were encountered beneath the foundations. These soils could not support the structural loads required by the planned foundations. It was therefore agreed to remove them completely, at depths greater than 2 to 3 times the height of the foundations, in the middle of winter. Despite this unforeseen setback, our efforts enabled us to maintain the original schedule.
Challenge #2
This project being LEED, the electromechanical equipment is more numerous and the systems much more complex than a standard building. Particular attention had to be paid to planning the delivery of this equipment, and greater coordination was required during installation in order to meet the requirements for getting the building up and running on schedule.